cara sesuatu itu dibuat bahasa Inggris
- cara: approach; delivery; manner; mean; mean of;
- sesuatu: something; anything; such-and-such; launching;
- itu: that; the; those; that’d; there; collective
- dibuat: made one
- sesuatu yang seperti itu: something like that
- cara melakukan sesuatu: ways of doing things
- cara sesuatu dilakukan: modality
- hukum yang berlaku di mana hukum itu dibuat: the law which is valid where it was drafted
- cara atau aturan yg lazim utk menjalankan sesuatu: procedure
- itu: that; the; those; that’d; there; collective plural; those over there; that way; includes an element of definite anaphoric distal deictic; as for; that one; those there; them; distal; then; up there;
- sesuatu: something; anything; such-and-such; launching; entrance; res gestae; introduction; first appearance; unveiling; item; incoming; entity; insertion; debut; intromission; entering; thing; entry; ingres
- cara: approach; delivery; manner; mean; mean of; method; ploy; sort of ways; style; system; tactics; technique; the way the; way; ways in which; course; device; mode; ways and means; case; tactic; redress
- dibuat buat: mannered
- dibuat dari: made of; made out of
- dibuat oleh: made by